When I became pregnant with my first child, I remember that first trimester tiredness that I could not compare to anything else I had ever experienced. It was on a whole new level! Being a teacher, I had the summer off prior to delivering our baby boy in September, and naps were a luxury I could do whenever, where ever! People jokingly (or so I thought!) encouraged me to continue my nap hobby to bank those hours for when the baby came. In retrospect, they were so right, because the over-tiredness you experience in the first few weeks with a newborn REALLY doesn't compare to anything else - not even that first trimester sleepiness!
Upon his arrival, we worked hard to master breastfeeding. I focused on full feedings every time. I had taken classes and worked with lactation consultants, the experts in that field, prior to and after having my little boy. BUT NO ONE TAUGHT ME ABOUT NEWBORN SLEEP! Sleep was something I had to figure out on my own, or so I thought. Which is much easier said than done when you are IN THE THICK OF IT...you feelin' me yet mamas?! So, while my little guy slept here and there, I would research online, I tried to read a few books (um, how difficult is it to keep your eyes open when you are beyond tired and attempting to read dry, scientific and factual material?), and I followed some sleep gurus on social media. I pieced together what I thought was a good plan. We tried a lot of different things. A LOT of different things. There was so much conflicting information out there...how was I supposed to know what was right and what was wrong? How was I supposed to know what would work (or not) for my baby?
There was so much conflicting information out there...how was I supposed to know what was right and what was wrong? How was I supposed to know what would work (or not) for my baby?
DID YOU KNOW THERE ARE INFANT SLEEP EXPERTS OUT THERE? No one tells you this when you are pregnant like they do the other stuff - like how to breastfeed your baby - so you don't know any better. But after all my research, I found help and I found hope. Eventually, I turned to expert (and now my mentor), Dana Obleman, after researching her Sleep Sense program. This program aligned with a lot of what I had already pieced together for our situation with my son. I purchased her book (finally, an easy read!) and got to work. After this, my child's sleep puzzle came together beautifully, and still is to this day!
Throughout the whole process of learning with my sweet baby boy, I discovered this new passion ignited inside of me - a passion to help other new parents through an already difficult postpartum period by giving them the support and tools they need to provide healthy sleep for their whole family. But why stop there with just the new parents? Sleep can be a thing for any child and parent! If you know of a family struggling with their child's sleep, send them my way! I would be honored to help.