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Preparing for Back-to-School

I went back to school shopping…

No, I do not have any kids going to school yet!...My little one is only 10 months old, but the former teacher in me is used to purchasing new pens, highlighters, glue sticks, “the works” and I just couldn’t help myself!

If you are sending your child back to school, or perhaps off to school for the first time, I’m sure you’ve done the same. You’ve purchased the markers, kleenex boxes, and whatever else might be on the back-to-school supply list but that might not mean you feel ready for your child to go back-to-school.

Here are a few things that will help you and your kiddos feel a bit more prepared!…

Back-to-School Tip 1: Tighten up daily and sleep routines

Start simple.

Work at getting your kids up at a consistent time! This might be a gradual process if your summer mornings started a bit later, but you can always start by splitting the difference until you’re at your desired wake time for the school year.

For example, you could start shifting bedtime earlier by 15-30 minutes every few nights. If your child has been going to bed at 8:30 p.m. and waking up at 7:30 a.m. this summer, gradually adjust bedtime to ensure they’re getting up by 6:30 a.m. to accommodate the school schedule. This gradual shift will help them adjust more comfortably.

Once up for the day, have them complete a morning routine.

This may include making their bed, getting dressed, brushing their teeth, eating breakfast, etc.

Whatever the components may be, create a routine that works for you and your child and have them begin practicing this so it can be a realistic expectation once school actually starts.

Don’t stop there! Yes, it's important to get out the door on time in the morning, but it is also important to have a routine for the evening as well. Talk about what this will look like and begin implementing it before the school year officially starts.

Just like we come home from a long day and need a bit to unwind, so do our kids! 

Allow for some downtime for them to relax and decompress from the day. And then whether it be an evening walk/bike ride or playing in the backyard, plan for some large motor time for them to burn off some energy before starting the bedtime routine.

Back to School Tip 2: Prioritize Quality Sleep

Stellar Sleep = Stellar Learning

Quality sleep is crucial for your child’s growth and learning. During sleep, growth hormones are released, and the brain processes and stores information from the day (anyone else picturing the movie “Inside Out” while you read this 😊). Ensuring your child gets the recommended 10-12 hours of sleep each night supports their development and academic success.

If your child isn’t getting the quality sleep they need, you may notice some struggles with learning and/or retention. 

If you find that getting back into the swing of things feels harder than usual and your child is struggling with sleep, reach out to set up a sleep evaluation call with us today!

Back to School Tip 3: Work on Independence 

Developing self-help skills is essential for your child’s success at school. Teaching them to manage tasks like opening snacks, dressing themselves, and zipping jackets can go a longgg way. By mastering these skills before school starts, they can focus more on learning and less on managing daily tasks.

And by focusing on quality sleep and nutrition, you lay the groundwork for your child’s success. Teaching them independence in these self-help skills ensures that they are well-prepared to thrive socially & academically.

By taking these steps, you’ll set your child up for a smooth transition back to school and support their continued growth and learning throughout the year.

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